Monthly Archives: October 2010

Debate: Does The GOP Have Room For Moderates — David McGowan vs. Gregory Hilton

David McGowan with Sean Hannity

David McGowan of Las Vegas is a graduate of Louisiana State University. He is President of the 525 Group, and has extensive experience in grassroots GOTV programs. He previously served as GOP Political Director for Clark County. His past clients include Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA) and Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA). He was named Clark County Republican of the Year for his work on the 2004 Bush/Cheney campaign. In 2010 he served as the campaign manager for Congressional candidate Michele Fiore (R-NV), and has considerable experience in coping with a Nevada GOP which has been fractured, outnumbered and outspent by Democrats. Continue reading

Stimulus Update: Obama Promised 4.1 Million New Jobs by Gregory Hilton

President Obama is making many unsubstantiated claims in this campaign but we remember his promises from two years ago. On January 9, 2009 he said what became the $865 billion stimulus would create $4.1 million new jobs. The economy has actually lost 3.3 million jobs since the stimulus was enacted. Continue reading

The Young People Are Leaving: Italy’s Message For The United States by Gregory Hilton

The Time magazine article below is entitled: Arrivederci, Italia: Why Young Italians Are Leaving. It describes a major Italian problem, but it also is a warning for the United States. Continue reading

The First Virginia Tea Party Convention: “Constitutional Conservatives” Claim George Allen is a Liberal by Gregory Hilton

This flier was distributed at the convention while George Allen was speaking on Saturday. Many members of "Virginians for Constitutional Government" are firm foes of the Bush Administration. Photo by Dave Weigel

Over 2,600 people attended the first Virginia Tea Party convention on Saturday. The theme of the two-day gathering at the Richmond Convention Center was “The Constitution Still Matters.” The convention was addressed by Gov. Bob McDonnell, Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling, Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, Reps. Ron Paul (TX) and Steve King (IA), as well as former Senators George Allen (R-VA) and Rick Santorum (R-PA). Continue reading

Obama Warns The Chamber of Commerce by Gregory Hilton

President Obama and the Democratic National Committee have no proof, but today they are accusing the U.S. Chamber of Commerce of “stealing our democracy.” The Chamber receives funds from businesses overseas which are used to fund groups in foreign countries. The President believes those foreign funds are really be used to impact American political campaigns. Continue reading

Five Myths About TARP

The below article from the Washington Post is by Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and it makes many observations about the effectiveness of TARP. The program worked and the financial security of all Americans is much stronger today because of it. As of now it will cost $50 billion and saved our economy, and in the end it may break even. Continue reading

The Final Days of Speaker Pelosi and the Obamacrats of Capitol Hill by Gregory Hilton

With one month to go before the election, prospects for Republican control of the House of Representatives are excellent. Media attention is focused on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her ouster will result in many additional benefits for the conservative movement. When the GOP gains control a top target for the new Speaker will be the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). Continue reading

Remembering 2006: When Anti-War Conservatives Endorsed The Election of Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats by Gregory Hilton

The bible of the isolationist and protectionist paleoconservative movement is "The American Conservative" magazine. They frequently champion Ron Paul and the libertarian cause.

For the next month libertarians and paleoconservatives will be fairly quiet. Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), the 1988 Libertarian presidential candidate, is keeping a low profile. He does not want to jeopardize the election of his son Rand (R-KY) to the U.S. Senate. The son is also avoiding the national news media and says he is no longer a libertarian. He publicly disagrees with his father on Israel, Afghanistan and defense spending. Continue reading

The Tragedy of Joe Sobran: A Tremendous Talent Lost to Antisemitism by Gregory Hilton

Many of my friends are now writing tributes to Joe Sobran who died yesterday at the age of 64 from complications of diabetes. He was a nationally syndicated columnist who for 21 years was both a senior editor at National Review and a CBS Spectrum radio commentator. His death brings back many youthful memories, and it is best to say I have mixed emotions. Continue reading