Daily Archives: August 8, 2010

The Hypocrisy of Sen. Howard Metzenbaum and a Tax Lesson from LeBron James by Gregory Hilton

"Fighting the Unbeatable Foe" is the biography of the late Sen. Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH). Author Tom Diemer of the Cleveland Plain Dealer praises the Senator for battling major corporations and deregulation. For the tax avoiding Metzenbaum, the real foe was the Internal Revenue Service.

The late U.S. Senator Howard Metzenbaum (D) and basketball star LeBron James are both well known names in Ohio, and they have an important message for the nation on tax policy. Metzenbaum served on Capitol Hill from 1974 until 1994, and died at the age of 90 in 2008. Continue reading

Kansas Senate Race: How Congressman Jerry Moran (R) Won by Gregory Hilton

The bitterly fought U.S. Senate primary in Kansas ended on Tuesday night. Incumbent Senator Sam Brownback (R) is stepping down after 14 years to be the state’s next Governor. Brownback unsuccessfully sought the 2008 GOP presidential nomination and the Republican Party will not have a problem retaining this seat. Continue reading