Tag Archives: gop-civil-war

What is the GOP civil war about? What are the critics saying and why is it so difficult to stop the infighting? Many of their accusations are lies.

This image lists the 11 Republicans who on May 6th voted to oust conservative House Speaker Mike Johnson, and the group continues to be major critics of the leadership as they often work to derail the conservative agenda.
Practically all of them are members of the populist Freedom Caucus, and the motion to vacate was introduced by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA). At the most recent gathering of the House GOP, Donald Trump three times told Greene and her supporters to “be nice to Johnson”. In early May, Trump told Greene not to introduce the motion, but she rejected the advice.
In introducing her motion to oust the Speaker, Greene claimed Johnson supported “fully funding abortion, the trans agenda, the climate agenda, foreign wars and the border crisis.” No one had any idea what she was talking about, and the immediate reaction was loud booing from the GOP side with lawmakers shouting “Liar,” You are crazy,” “Sit down,” and “These are all blatant lies.”
On Truth Social, Donald Trump posted “With a Majority of One, we’re not in a position of voting on a Motion to Vacate. . . If Republicans show DISUNITY, which will be portrayed as CHAOS, it will negatively affect everything!”
Prior to the vote, Trump told Johnson “You’re doing a very good job,” and said other Republicans should “leave him alone. . . Johnson is a good man who is trying very hard.” Johnson supported military assistance for Ukraine and a big reason it passed was because Donald Trump said it was important and did not oppose the measure. Greene emphasized her major issue was stopping any and all assistance to Ukraine because “we must demand peace. . .
“Ukraine isn’t the 51st state and I’m screaming no as loud as possible. . . Our job is not to fund the CIA war against Russia. This is a proxy war against Russia. . . We should be negotiating peace not funding and fueling war.”
Greene previously suggested the 9/11 attack was fake, and questions whether a “so called plane” really struck the Pentagon. She blames Hillary Clinton for the death of John F. Kennedy, Jr., and claims “Jewish space lasers” were responsible for forest fires in California.
Vladimir Putin’s hatred of gays is well known but to Greene that means the Russian president is “protecting Christianity and traditional conservative values.” She claimed Putin just wanted to be our friend, and we were foolish to reject his friendship. She repeatedly emphasizes American interests stop at the border.
Greene told her Congressional colleagues “I’m completely against the war in Ukraine. . . You know who’s driving it? It’s America. America needs to stop pushing the war in Ukraine.” She wants Republicans to have a “safe space.” She was one of six GOP House members who opposed a bill meant to preserve evidence of war crimes by Russia.
Greene was one of two House Republicans to vote against mourning the 50,000 people killed in the Turkey-Syria earthquakes because she was angry at the comments of the sponsor, Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC). He described the bill as a message to “war criminal Putin” that delaying humanitarian aid to the region is “despicable.” Greene was one of four House Republicans to vote against seizing the frozen assets of Russian oligarchs.
Greene’s rhetoric is very similar to Code Pink of the radical left, and she has cheered on the socialist organization and praised their Ukraine activities. Greene states “I’ve always said I’m not afraid of civil war in the GOP. I lean into it. “We must no longer serve the uniparty and their globalist agenda. Our country is run by stupid warmongers. . .
“Americans do not support the war in Ukraine. Our country will never recover from this, and it must end. Americans are demanding a national divorce so we will be separated into red states and blue states.”
The former U.S. Ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul, responded “Ukraine was invaded for no reason but the Congresswoman says they ‘need to find peace not war.’ Incredible. This blame-the-victim argument is disgusting. Imagine saying this about victims of other crimes? Or civilians killed in other wars? Or those killed by other terrorists?”
On March 17, 2022, Greene and 7 other House Republicans voted against suspending normal trade relations with Russia and Belarus. It passed by a 424-8 margin.
Greene and 15 members of the Freedom Caucus also voted against tougher sanctions on Russia as well as a ban on the importation of Russian oil.
She told Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) of the socialist squad “You voted to send money to the white Nazi army of Ukraine.” The president of Ukraine is Jewish and 5 of his relatives were killed in the Holocaust. The former prime minister is also Jewish, and it is Russia that is coping Hitler’s tactics.