Tag Archives: terrorism

“War is over” is a 1971 song released by Yoko Ono and John Lennon. Yesterday their son Sean Ono Lennon posted “When did Democrats transition to becoming the War Party?”

We rarely defend Democrats, but they are not “the War Party.” No Americans are fighting in Ukraine, but the Biden team has made huge mistakes regarding Russia, China and Iran.
In 2021, President Joe Biden ended America’s training role in Afghanistan with a unilateral withdrawal at the height of the fighting season when U.S. logistical support was needed the most.
It’s a decision from which Biden’s popularity never recovered. The withdrawal took place even though the Taliban were in compliance with only one of the seven provisions in the February 2020 Doha agreement. Americans were told the Doha deal would result in the continuation of the democratically elected Afghan government where women held one third of the seats in parliament.
For many years Sean Lennon and liberal activists lobbied aggressively for a quick end to US involvement in Afghanistan and they didn’t care how it was accomplished. The abrupt result was a horribly botched withdrawal, and the world was stunned by the videos of terrified Afghan civilians falling to their deaths after clinging onto departing aircraft.
The entire withdrawal was a terrible outcome directly related to their actions. Biden’s policy has made the Afghan people suffer doubly for a government they did not choose.
So now the Biden team is silent about all things Afghanistan, and Sean Lennon has moved on to other causes. The claims about a new moderate and reasonable Taliban were all lies.
The Taliban are not giving peace a chance and they have returned the nation to the policies of the 7th century. Al Qaeda and the Islamic State are using their new safe havens for military training, they will be heard from again.